I wrote this poem while reflecting on my second Appalachia Service Project experience.
Appalachian - American Families livelihood rolled away from mountain homes Realistic hopes trickled downstream long ago Company housing and trailers, reminders of the legacy Hard ship reflected by the face of his stories Historic coal dust choking progress Wrinkles of death, growing darker each day Natural beauty nourishes iron roots Money crawls, checks flow, and pride dams your holler Invincible corporate kudzu, grasping the mountain Absentees controlling your land with a dense, political fog Tremendous efforts by many, nibble at years of industrial might As we Roll by, blasted tiers stand monument to progress of years past Screeching brakes a constant reminder of the region's problems --Fletcher Boland - 2001 Back to the CaptainFletch.com Homepage Tuesday, 06-May-2008 21:26:22 EDT